Here are 2 Midi Maps I Use to Control My Strymon Big Sky and Strymon TimeLine pedals directly from Akai Force. (also useful for automation — though I havent tried automation yet)
— These Midi Maps were created in my free online app: Force Midi Mapper
The Naming Conventions for Algo Specific params
The Params are named as AlgoName-[algo#] ParamName ValueRange
for example :
Hall-1 LOW 0-20 Means — Hall Algorithm (Which is Algo Number 1 (Starting from 0)) The Param is Low-End and it accepts the Values between 0-20.
Choral-7 VOWEL 0-6 Means — Chorale Algorithm (#7) the param is Vowel and it Accepts Values 0-6 to select the Vowel to use.
Timeline also uses similar naming Convention.
How to use
- Download the xpm files and copy to your Akai Force or the SD card/Pen drive that you use with Akai Force.
- Setup Your Strymon Pedals to accept midi from Force (They use 5-Din midi so use a midi interface or Midi Cable (I use Roland um-one, and have midi thru of TimeLine going to BigSky (Serial/DaisyChaining)
- Set the Midi Channel on Each of the Pedals to a unique one (I have Timeline on 13 and BigSky on 14)
- On Force Create a Midi Track (for each device).
- Load the Midi Map Template for Device you want to control using that Track
- Set Midi output port accordingly and set midi channel that you have set on that pedal.
- Hit Shift + Clip to See the On Screen Midi Map Controls.
- Options: If you Set Knobs to Screen (Hold Knobs and Select Screen). You can control the parameters displayed on Screen (8 at a time, to select next 8, press knob again)
Here are a few Screen Shots.
Big Sky